Summer Trap League -Starts the first Tuesday evening in May (5 pm)
Winter Trap League -Starts the first Sunday after New Year’s Day (12 noon)
The Leagues shoot for 12 weeks and count the best scores out of 10 and ends the season with a great banquet and awards ceremony.
The purpose is to provide fair trapshooting competition open to all shooters of all abilities, novice to veteran. There are no gender or age limitations, and no required membership in any shooting organizations.
► Competitions: 16 yards & Handicap - $15, $7 if 16 or younger
Doubles Competition - $15
Straight 50 Jackpot - $1 per week (League starts each league at $150)
50/50 weekly - $1 buy-in
► Awards: At the end of the session, cash prizes, merchandise and certificates will be awarded to the shooters according to their category and cumulative averages.
► Safety: Along with BCGF staff, all shooters are asked to participate in monitoring the safety of the league. Report any unsafe conditions immediately. Shooters are required to use eye and ear protection at all times.
► Information: Contact Wayne Jacobs 443-562-2309
Matches (none at this time)
Spring Turkey Shoot
(Sunday before Easter)
Fall Turkey Shoot
(Sunday before Thanksgiving)
(Check the BCGF calendars for the exact dates)
You can go to Weis or Giant to get your holiday main dish or you can tell everyone you bagged it yourself! Win a turkey, a ham or a huge 3 lb. slab of bacon. If this is your first time, no we are not shooting real turkeys just paper targets. This is a game of chance more than skill, seasoned shooters and first time shooters have an equal chance. There are also raffles, hotdogs and a good time. Bring a friend!
Contact Greg 410-598-4970 or Wayne 443-562-2309.
• When does it start? (Noon)
• What’s it cost? ($3 per shot, BCGF provides the ammunition)
• What am I actually shooting at? (Small paper target of a turkey, and a pig)
• What can I win? (10-12 lb. frozen turkey, 10 lb. ham, or 3 lb. bacon)
• Do I bring my own gun? (Yes, new shooters can usually borrow a gun for a round or two and get safety and shooting instructions, but best to have your own)
• What type of gun? (Any 12 gauge shot gun, pump, auto, O/U. Smaller gauges are ok but you must bring your own ammo)
• What choke can I use? (Tightest choke allowed is a Full. No Turkey chokes. All guns are checked)
• What ammunition is best? (BCG&F provides the ammunition so everyone has an equal chance)
• Don’t expert shooters always win, what chance do I have? (Everyone uses the same choke, the same ammunition, at the same distance, at a stationary target, so everyone has an equal chance.
• Can new shooters participate? (Yes, free instructions are available)
• Is there any food available? (Usually hotdogs, snacks, coffee and soda available for purchase.
Trap Fun Games Day...Coming soon